While most people are familiar with the deep cleaning exercise commonly referred to as spring cleaning, it might surprise you that fall cleaning has benefits and advantages, too. At April’s Cleaning Services, we actually recommend deep cleaning be done four times a year, and we offer seasonal cleaning services for that purpose. While the process itself is nearly identical each season, there are special reasons to include fall cleaning into your schedule.
• Inspect for Pests- As the weather turns cooler, many pests are looking for a place to hunker down for the winter, and the warmth of your home is quite inviting. Fall cleaning to banish all freeloading pests, such as moths, spiders, and so forth, saves you from an uncomfortable moment when they come out for a snack and helps you avoid a springtime infestation when they get actively procreating again.
• Purge Time! The best way to avoid clutter is to have a dedicated purge time to get rid of things you don’t need. With the holidays coming, fall cleaning is the perfect opportunity to make room for new things that will show up under the tree or in Christmas stockings.
• Holiday Preparation- Speaking of the holidays, most families end up entertaining at some point or another during the holidays. You can feel confident that your home is pleasant and welcoming by taking care of a deep fall cleaning beforehand.
• Banish Summer Contaminants- With winter approaching, your home will be shut up tight. Do you really want to share the space with dust, dander, pollen, mites, dead skin cells, and other contaminants that accumulated over the summer?
• Prevent Winter Illness- Speaking of contaminants, germs and bacteria are a part of that and can contribute to those horrible winter colds that seem to take weeks to get rid of and mess up your holiday plans. With fall cleaning to wipe everything down and sanitize your home, your family can enjoy a healthier and happier winter.